German Student Services has put together important information about the topic studying with a child on its website.
Augsburg Student Service published the brochure "Studying with a child in Augsburg". The brochure gives important tips for managing everyday life between nappies and textbooks, with information, addresses and counselling services on the topics of pregnancy, studying, finance, housing, insurance and work.
The brochure is available at the b!st counselling office and online here.
Students with a child or expectant parents can get advice from the b!st social and legal counsellors regarding legal issues, for example support or social services.
Leaflet „Mutterschutz ab 01.01.2018“ (German) (PDF 144 KB)
Get university-specific counselling directly at the universities:
University of Augsburg
Family service
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
University service for family
Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Office for equal opportunities and family
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Personal and social counselling and information centre for parents (BIZEPS)